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sandakan,, Sabah, Malaysia
life is getting harder and harder today and after. which is, only we know how pretending we are. be more mature to avoiding the shit given to your life being, shut the dramatic life, live your life fellas !

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Coretan pagi.

Jam menunjukkan 4am. Aku masih terjaga. Kepala pening kepala pusing.
Hari ini masuk puasa ke 9 hari ahad.
Pusingan 10 pertama puasa tahun ini sudah hampir tamat.

Rokok ditangan baru saja kuhabiskan Dan bersedia untuk tidur. Tapi masih banyak mahu aku ceritakan.

Esok belum pasti ada lagi selepas bangunku. Hari mendatang semakin kurang jelas aku gambarkan.

Aku merindukan kampung. Bila jauh, semuanya yang dulu dan disana bermain di kepala. Tiket balik belum terbeli. Aduh!

Esok bercadang mahu ke KL sentral kalau sempat untuk tempah tiket balik kalau sempat. Ada tiket man city tergantung untuk training esok.

Perut pulak berbunyi. Dari siang tadi meragam. Berak sudah berkali Kali. Tersalah makan apa aku sendiri tidak tahu. -.-"

Sahur hari ini dengan mcD. Terasa malas mahu bangun nanti, jadi aku persiapkan sahur dengan mcDelivery. Basuhan Baju masih berada dalam mesin. Esok pagi harap dapat bangun awal dan sidailah.

Hurm rasanya sudah boleh tidur sekarang sebelum mata lagi teruk meminta untuk berehat!

Selamat malam.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is life.

It's been a long time that I haven't update anything in this fearful chapter. It's a long and very messed up story I might talk inhere. It's confession, it's history and it's victories.

God is such a great creator. Everything's was done with reason. It's true and I admit that is really true. we did as much as we can, we think every single things that passed in a second and remember it as the time we pass by.

So many things happened. Theres a good and bad along our way until present. It's a lesson!

I've been so pathetic, energetic, plastic, sarcastic, politicize, criticize, and I've pretend a lot of characters to predict and accept those thingy.

I accepted and I rejected things. I believed and blamed so many things.
I did and left so many things. And I also remember and forget things.
It's not my fault if I can't stand still. I'm a simple human being. Did mistakes, and it's a must to be strong enough in this unpredictable world!

It's a journey where we stand now, and it's a prize with what we faught for.

I do believe, what goes around, comes around.

Now of never we feel happy, it depends on ourself how to conquer.
I'm happy with what I got now and I deserve to have it. :)
People come people go, is simple. Only the real fighter will stay!
Go go go!